Saturday 17 November 2012

On the Road Again!

I am a travelling dog. I like going on adventures. I just do. There's nothing like the feel of a comfy blanket and a window to look out of. 

Today we went to Norway House because my mama's cousin got off the plane there. She was supposed to get off the plane in Cross, but it couldn't land, so we made the drive to pick her up. 

It's been a long time since we've had a cable ferry in Cross. I like cable ferries. They are fun. On the way into Norway House it was just us on the ferry. On the way back there was two regular trucks and one big tanker truck. The tanker truck was WHITE. I am scared of white trucks so I barked at it to scare it off. My mom about jumped through the roof when I barked. It was kind of funny, though I'm glad she didn't drive into the lake. There's a lot of ice in there! 

This is me, sitting in the backseat of the cousin's van. She calls me her nephew. Before my mama had a vehicle she used to show up and take me on rides in her van because I love rides so much. I love her. She's very nice. She also makes me homemade dog cookies for Christmas. Last year Richard tried to eat my banana flavoured cookies, but my mama didn't let him. 

This week we're going to Thompson, but I think I might stay behind so mom can get shopping done. All I can say is that I hope she brings good treats! 


  1. It sounds like you had an excellent adventure today, Sunny. And I'm sure your mama will bring you great treats from Thompson.

  2. Brandy barks at the tanker trucks too! She hates big trucks! And people walking. And people riding bikes. And people wearing yellow.

    Once upon a time I made cookies for Brandy. I even have a recipe book and cookie cutters. I think it's the reason she thinks ALL the cookies are hers.

    I'm glad you enjoyed your ride. Do you have a stocking for Santa to fill? Make sure your Momma gets you one!

    1. I don't have stockings for Mew, Ladybug OR Sunny. Seems that should be remedied!

  3. I'm glad she didn't drive into the lake, too. It looks way too cold to be swimming in it. Is Norway House an actual house?

    1. Nope. Norway House is the name of a community -- the one that's closed to our community, actually. It's just over an hour drive away.

  4. I just typed a really long comment, and when I clicked it did something weird.

  5. Okay, let me see if I can remember what it was. I have never been on a dog ferry. I'm jealous. I think you should go shopping because staying in the car is no big deal, especially if you get a long ride. I only bark when someone ignores me when I want to play with them. I don't want to play with a tanker truck, so I've never barked at it. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever barked in a car. I might have to give it a try.

    1. When Sunny was a puppy -- before he came to live with me -- he was in a vehicle accident. He was hit by a vehicle and broke his right hind leg. He went to the vet and had to be pumped full of fluids and everything, because he was just small. It cost his owners 1200 dollars and it was the start of Sunny being locked up in a kennel -- he had to stay still while his leg healed. Since I've known Sunny he has ALWAYS barked at white trucks. One time in NS last summer we had to walk by a white truck... Sunny was on leash and he started cowering -- belly right to the ground -- he was so scared of the truck. We think maybe this hatred for all large white trucks is because he got hit by one. He doesn't react that way to any other type of vehicle.

      Funnily enough, Sunny doesn't bark at RCMP trucks (which are white). The stripe down the side must distinguish those trucks.

    2. Aw, poor puppy. Okay, just for Sunny I will bark at white trucks. It's the least I can do.

    3. . . . except RMCP trucks (which I'm unlikely to encounter).

  6. Sounds like my favourite pooch has been having a great time lately. Nice BIG yard to run around in And adventures with mummy in the car. I don't like big trucks either, doesn't matter what colour they are! "Road Hogs!" The drivers can't read either because the always go way over the speed limit.
    Did you know Sunny,you are mummys little ray of sunshine?

  7. Wow! You get to have a lot of fun with your momma. It's good that you are a good boy in the car, too. I think momma will bring you treats, doesn't she usually? lol I think she thinks of you and the catz before she thinks of herself. She is a good momma.

  8. *smiles*

    Hi Sunny! What a fun little trip you took.

  9. That sounds like a good adventure! I'm quite sure you will get treats. :)

  10. This is Honey, Benni's cat. I need haaaaaalp!! I am going on an airplane trip and my mom is trying to "get me used to" traveling by driving me places. She stuffs me full of catnip and talks to me. I don't meow as much because it doesn't do any good. It sounds like you get better treats, too.
