Sunday 2 December 2012

Do you hear what I hear?

 My mum went out to check the chickens wearing her tall boots and a pair of shorts, a summer shirt and her winter jacket. She says it's only -13 so it's not like it's cold. 

I think she's crazy. She doesn't even have fur! 

I've been thinking a lot this weekend while my mama's been working on report cards. I thought about cookies. I  thought about cats. And I thought about all the treats mum has hidden in the spare room. Who is Santa Paws anyhow? 


  1. U haz Christmus treez yet? Iz fun. U sneek up behine catz. U bark "aarff aarff". Catz iz up teh tree. Ast mom befur u do.

  2. Santa Paws lives at the North Pole. He is a golden retriever with a red scarf and collar, who fetches toys for good puppies.

  3. Brandy says Santa Paws is very real. In the past she's received cookies and toys from Santa. And then there was the very first Christmas in which she was given to the Mom....for Ukranian Christmas, but it was Christmas just the same.

    Brandy also says the Mom has been known to go outside at midnight in her jammies to take the garbage out. It must be a "Mom" thing.

  4. is moar funz if you don't ask furst.

  5. It is Cinder Claws...and...

  6. Are you hearing them jingle bells already Sunny. You ears must be very sharp.
    Santa Paws is the old goat who brings all good creatures, even humans, lots of nice sqeaky toys and cookies and, jelly beans, oh lots of great stuff.

  7. You better watch out, Sunny, Santa Paws is coming to town... Wait, that didn't sound right. I mean, watch out the window, you might see him!

  8. Sandy Paws lives at the beach and he brings you clams and oysters around deep snow dark time. Oh, and candy. They go good together and create many dog farts to chase all the people and cats from the room. You will have many good memories of the holiday from this. Oh, and don't drink all the milk or eat all the cookies that your mom leaves for Sandy Paws. You can slurp some but remember to leave him some. He will be more generous with his sea bounty that way.
